Rupes Mille Coarse Compound - 250 ml

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The Rupes Mille Coarse Compound helps you remove heavy imperfections safely and easily! When using a forced rotation polisher, the high power can sometimes push compounds to their limit. This is why you see compounds drying out faster, dusting, and sometimes producing less than perfect results. Rupes formulated the Mille Coarse Compound to take this polishing power into account and not only work longer and dust less, but provide you with amazing polishing results. You may not even need to follow this compound up with a lighter pad and polish combo on some paints! However, if you do find yourself with some slight compounding haze, check out the Rupes Mille Pad and Polish combos below for some lighter polishing options. If you are working with the Rupes BigFoot Mille LK900E and need to remove heavy imperfections, the Rupes Mille Coarse Compound is a lifesaver!