Klasse All In One (AIO) - 300 ml

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  • $19.99
  • Regular price $24.99

This is one of the premier one step products in the detailing industry for its amazing ability to polish and protect in one easy application. Klasse All In One is a non-abrasive polish that will remove oxidation, old wax, bug smear, and some fine swirls, scratches and tar. This step will really brighten the paint and really make it "pop" again. While it cleans the paint's surface it also leaves valuable protection from its specially formulated acrylic coating. Klasse All In One is a sealant that is extremely durable and will protect your paint for months to come. It will protect far longer than natural waxes against fading from the sun, moisture, oxidation, salt water, pollution, bug smear, and other build ups. It applies extremely easy and thin so you get a great value from just one bottle. You can also protect metal surfaces, door jambs, coated plastics and more. Give your painted surfaces and more everything they need in one simple step!