Gyeon Tire - 400 ml

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  • Regular price $22.99

Gyeon Tire will restore and protect your tires with one easy to use formula! After you polish your paint and protect it with a coating, the deep, glossy, clarity of the paint is really a thing of beauty. This finish makes your vehicle stand out, but if you have ugly dull tires next to this paint, it just takes away from the overall luster of the vehicle. Gyeon set out to take that same feeling we get when looking at our paint and putting it into a product for your tires. Gyeon Tire, is a SIO2 coating that leaves behind a great deal of protection and gloss, along with restoring your tire back to its natural deep matte luster. Do not confuse this product with a typical tire dressing, Gyeon Gyeon Tire is a coating through and through. It lasts months, not weeks like other dressings and the ability to repel water from the surface of the rubber it simply put, outstanding. This beading is only rivaled by the coating on your paint and it helps keep your tire cleaner for much longer. This is incredibly valuable as tires are the only part of the vehicle touching the ground, meaning that they are coming into contact with dirt, grime, UV rays, and other tough contamination. When you wash your tires, you will find that most contamination will roll off the surface, saving you valuable detailing time and effort. What are you left with you ask, just think of a deep, dark, matte looking tire with a durable layer of protection to boot. Allow your tires to stand out from the crowd with Gyeon Tire!