Rupes iBrid Nano Abrasive Discs for Sanding P3000 - 1.25" 100 pack

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  • $36.99
  • Regular price $39.99

The Rupes iBrid Nano Abrasive Discs for Sanding P3000 can help you remove imperfections using the power of your Rupes Big Foot iBrid Nano! Sanding discs come in handy for detailers when performing touch up work, removing deep scratches, imperfections, water spots, removing orange peel, restoring headlights, etc. But what if you have some tight areas you need to reach and/or you want to use the power of your iBrid Nano to get the job done faster and easier? This is where the iBrid Nano Abrasive Discs for Sanding come in handy! These discs attach to your Rupes iBrid Nano Sanding Backing Plate with hook and loop backing. You can just attach and remove with ease! The 3000 grade disc is great for removing sanding marks from the P2000 discs, or removing lighter imperfections in the paint. After use, a light to medium polish is recommend to finish the paint down. If you are looking for a sanding disc that works great on our iBrid Nano, the Rupes iBrid Nano Abrasive Discs are for you!